Architect Registration Exam Blog

Get started with the ARE 5.0
The willingness to put in some blood, sweat, and tears to get what you want out of life is one of the most helpful traits to have.
Architects earn a median salary of roughly $82,000 and can enjoy a career full of fulfillment and challenge. If becoming a licensed architect is something that interests you, you have to be willing to put in the work required to pass the Architect Registration Examination (ARE) 5.0.
Here are some tips that will dramatically improve your results and performance when taking the exam. Let's get started with the ARE 5.0
1. What Is the ARE 5.0?
First things first, you have to know in detail what is included on the test.
The National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) is an excellent resource when you'd like to learn exactly what the exam entails.
Sections of the exam include Practice Management (PcM), Project Management (PjM), Programming and Analysis (PA), Project Planning and Design (PPD), Project Development and Documentation (PDD), and Construction and Evaluation (CE).
These six sections are organized so that you can get your license and be prepared for the work ahead.
2. Join a Study Group With Like-Minded and Motivated People
Team up with other like-minded budding architects so that you can put your heads together in the form of a study group. These groups are great for accountability and will help you to avoid procrastination.
With multiple people carrying the load you will learn quicker and can help to shore up each others' weaknesses. These groups will help you all focus on different sections little by little so that studying doesn't become overwhelming.
3. Take Several Practice Quizzes
Before spending money on paid practice questions, start with some free quizzes that will help your study efforts. You can take these quizzes in the comfort of your own home or on-the-go. It will help you get a feel for what's included on the exam.
Many of these quizzes feature questions that are strikingly similar to what you'll find on the actual exam. This way, you won't be caught off guard on exam day.
4. Develop Study Skills Centered Around Passing the ARE 5.0
Your study habits dictate a lot about the success you will have when taking the ARE 5.0.
Digital flashcards, known as Spaced Repetition Systems (SRS) have been scientifically proven to build memory and retention. These apps will allow you to put questions and answers on opposite sides of the card, and then rank how well you knew the information.
SRS aside, be prepared to figure out your style of study habits. We all learn things differently. The important thing is to make sure that you're taking time to study a little bit every day, rather than waiting to cram. This consistency will allow you to learn the information completely, rather than superficially.
5. Give Yourself More Time to Prepare
Finally, pick your division and schedule an official exam date so that you can make it real. This gives you a date and a timetable to work toward and puts positive pressure on you to study with consistency. Giving you enough time to buy any necessary materials.
The last thing you should do is wait until the last minute since this compounds stress and makes it difficult to reasonably retain information.
Put these study tips to use to ace your exam.
By considering the previously mentioned points prior to taking the ARE 5.0 exam you will be better prepared. Although it may be a daunting process, treat it with the seriousness that it deserves.
We have helped plenty of people in your shoes achieve these dreams, and would be happy to do the same for you. We want to improve your chance of passing the ARE by creating practice exams that are relevant and affordable.
Reach out to us ( if you still have any questions.