Firstly, If you're looking for the right ARE 5.0 study materials, start by looking at the source: NCARB Handbook and Resources.
In addition, we strongly recommend the following ARE 5.0 study materials and resources:
Young Architect Community. There’s a 99% chance you already heard about YA. If you haven’t, please check Michael Riscica’ site and stop wasting your time!
Ben Norkin does an astounding job with Hyperfine. He has courses, assignments, study questions, study plans and much more. Don’t miss out!
Samantha has a very helpful site for The Aspiring Architect in all of us. Whether you are a student or an emerging professional.
Archtoolbox helps architects find technical and professional practice related information. Easily and quickly wherever they are.
The ARE Facebook Group is a powerful source of research and motivation for future architects going through this experience.
Finally, more ARE 5.0 study materials, ARE study guides, resources and other goodies to be updated soon!