Programming & Analysis - Pricing
Programming & Analysis
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Practice Exams
+220 Questions with detailed clarifications
Backed by NCARB's official study sources
1 Case Study
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Practice Exams (All divisions)
+1,200 Questions with detailed clarifications
Backed by NCARB's official study sources
7 Case Studies
2 hours of videos
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It means you can have access to the Programming & Analysis content for as long as you need. After the one-time payment, you'll have access to our content for an initial period of 4, 8 or 18 months (for one, two or the six divisions package). If, after this period, you haven't passed your exam(s) and need more time to access our content, just send us an email requesting more time. We'll grant it, for free, obviously. Please include a screenshot of your ARE overview page, showing us the exams in question, that you still haven't passed. Check this page for more information.
Programming & Analysis Exam Bundle
Vast and rich content
This bundle contains +220 curated practice questions. Multiple choice, fill in the blank, diagrams and pictures. Moreover, we keep adding content on a daily basis.
Case Studies
We know how daunting case studies can be. Therefore, we added one at the end of each full practice exam. In other words, it feels just like the real thing.
NCARB Aligment
All practice questions are categorized per NCARB's sections. So you'll know what your blind spots are.
At the end of each quiz, there is a breakdown of your results with detailed clarifications. Moreover, we provide links to official resources and useful links.
Multi Exam Format
2 Full practice exams (95Q) , 2 short practice exams (20Q) and 4 short quizzes. One Programming & Analysis quiz for every situation.
Multi Platform
We built a responsive site that works seamlessly. Desktop, tablet and mobile environments. So that you can take our practice exams anywhere.
Community Oriented
We strive to provide an excellent product at a very low price. Our primary goal is to help you through this tough experience.
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Programming & Analysis
Overview of the Programming & Analysis Division
The Programming & Analysis division will evaluate objectives associated with the assessment of project requirements, limitations, and opportunities. The division will concentrate on matters pertaining to programming, site analysis, and zoning and code requirements. Candidates are required to exhibit knowledge and skills in the analysis of project types, the determination of qualitative and quantitative project requirements, the evaluation of the project site and its context, and the assessment of economic issues.
Number of items: 75
Test duration: 3 hr
Allowed break time: 30 min
Total appointment time: 3 hr 40 min
This division is divided into four sections, each focusing on a different aspect of PA. In parentheses, you’ll find the expected number of items (questions) of each section in the PA exam.
1. Environmental & Contextual Conditions (11-16)
2. Codes & Regulations (12-17)
3. Site Analysis & Programming (16-20)
4. Building Analysis & Programming (28-32)
Section 1: Environmental & Contextual Conditions
This section focuses on the environmental and contextual conditions that influence the design of a project. It covers topics such as climate analysis, topography, and the impact of neighboring structures.
Section 2: Codes & Regulations
This section delves into the codes and regulations that govern architectural projects. It covers zoning regulations, building codes, and other regulatory requirements.
Section 3: Site Analysis & Programming
This section focuses on the analysis of a project site relative to its program. It covers site selection, site conditions, and site improvements.
Section 4: Building Analysis & Programming
This section focuses on the analysis of new and existing buildings and its programming. It covers building systems, building assemblies, and programming requirements. It is the largest section in this division.
For more detailed information, refer to the ARE 5.0 Guidelines and NCARB’s website.