Architect Registration Exam Blog

ARE 5.0 Tips

Pace yourself - how to pass the ARE 5.0

How long does it take to pass all six divisions of the ARE 5.0?​

This might be getting old, but it really depends on you. Some complete the architect registration exam in a couple of months (you would need to stop working and there is a great chance you will have a complete meltdown), others take 5 years or more. Whatever you do, do not try to do it as quickly as you can just because of peer pressure. Stop looking at what others have done and study for these exams at your own pace. 

The goal is not to memorize all the information just to pass the ARE 5.0 exams, you should actually try to learn new things. Lastly, most of what you learn for the ARE 5.0 exams will be useful throughout your career as a licensed architect.

Don’t try to be a hero​

There are many other people out there in the same situation as you. Around 20,000 aspiring architects are on this journey every year. Reach out to friends, colleagues, and everyone you can think of, that might be able to help you. People fear the unknown so it is always beneficial when you can learn from someone else’s experience. There are also others out there that might gain from your knowledge, so don’t be shy to pay it forward. The other scary thing is the sheer amount of study materials

NCARB’s ARE 5.0 community is a great place to start and the ARE Facebook group has proven to be instrumental to a lot of people seeking out answers in their journey to become a licensed architect.

Do not give up!​

If you look at the latest pass rates, you will probably start to shiver. Moreover, the majority of people fail at least one division of the architect registration exam. Some fail more than 5 and a few even more than 10. Therefore, there’s a big chance you are also going to fail at some point. Learn from your mistakes and get back at it again. In other words, do not give up!